
critical read article

critically read: http://www.innovations-report.com/html/reports/studies/report-43536.html

The article was written to show evidence and relevance to IQ and genes. The article also shows that IQ is due to differences in genetics. The article was written for other researchers or psychologists. It also shows it’s arguing with other researchers and authors to prove that either genetics is, or isn’t closely related to IQ. The broken down material shows arguing how genes and IQ play a role together. It shows even at a young age IQ is very definite and shows it plays a part in intelligence.

The evidence show in the article is looking back at research and testing. It shows testing from 90 years ago during WWI to 2001 testing. It showed that white-black intelligence differentiates and is consistent. It also shows East Asians test higher than whites (106 to 100). Blacks are at a third with a low of 85 testing (in the U.S.) and 70 in sub-Saharan Africa.

Gene environment is the same in all races. East Asian, white, and black twins tested 50% higher in all races. They also show by MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) testing that East Asians have 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than whites. And whites average 5 more cubic inches than blacks. The article also shows research of kids who were East Asian, white, or black, that were adopted. Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption Study studied children at 7 and showed whites at 106, mixed raced children at 99, and blacks at 89.

This article had a lot of strong points. Rushton, author of the article “Thirty years of research on race differences in cognitive ability” stated all the evidence and his own points that the theory of modern humans gained a higher IQ faster because they had migrated from Africa, Northward and faced/solved problems quicker than other modern humans had to. Thus Rushton says gives East Asians a higher IQ since they were a part of the ancestry.

Rushton dually noted that people, though, shouldn’t be treated by groups but by individuals. The research was also noted for racial differences in group IQ testing. They also show cranial size belongs to evolutionary framework and intelligence.

The argument that can be made is that they were tested by groups and if raised differently statistics could change. Also, I do agree to an extent with a culture only theory. Only some people are just generally their own person and intelligence. Plus, IQ testing is one of many ways for testing intelligence accurately and data could be further looked into with different testing.

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